Rsg Gambling Incident Report


Self-exclusion (self-banning) is when you ask a gambling venue to exclude you from the venue or a gambling activity offered at the venue.

By law, venues are required to assist any person requesting a self-exclusion. Once in effect, self-exclusion remains in force for up to 5 years, but you have a cooling-off period of 24 hours.

A nominated person at the venue (usually known as the customer liaison officer) should explain the exclusion process to you. They are required to provide you with the self-exclusion forms and the contact details of your local Gambling Help service.

A Gambling Related Incident Report Book, which staff can use to document gambling related issues and any potential signs or indicators of problem gambling behaviour, can be useful in determining any emerging patterns or recurring issues for a customer over an extended period. Slide 12 of 14 Next Back Problem Gambling. The CLO will record details of the complaint and action taken in a Gambling – Related Incident Report. 2.7 The venue staff have received training from the Gambling Help Service and include the GHS in ongoing staff training in responsible gambling. CSI has developed a strong partnership with our local Relationships Australia branch. Incident reports are required to be filed immediately after the event to ensure that the details involving the incident are recorded accurately. Failure to file incident reports can sometimes lead to costly fines and penalties.

Choosing to self-exclude can be due to concern about the:

  • amount of money you spend on gambling
  • time you spend in the gambling venue
  • negative impacts that gambling have on your work life and/or family life.

Self-exclusion is an important step in dealing with a gambling problem.

Gambling venues are required to maintain a register of excluded persons that is only available to staff who are required to be informed of exclusions (e.g. gaming room staff). Venues must otherwise keep your information confidential and should ensure your individual circumstances are always respected.

Rsg gambling incident report sample

Read the video transcript.

If you breach the terms of self-exclusion

You will be asked to leave if you enter a venue (or part of a venue) from which you are excluded. The incident will be reported to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) for investigation and may result in you being fined.

Rsg Gambling Incident Report

If you enter a venue (or part of a venue) from which you are excluded and the venue does not take reasonable steps to prevent you from entering, you can contact OLGR to report the incident or submit a complaint online. The incident will be investigated and fines may be issued.

How to cancel self-exclusion

If you feel your situation has changed, you may lodge an application to cancel your exclusion with the gambling venue. An application may only be made 1 year from the day after the exclusion was issued or within the 24-hour cooling-off period.

More information

  • Find counselling, support and advice for problem gambling.
  • Learn more about the types of gambling-related exclusions.
  • Download the Getting in over your head? brochure for information about both self-exclusions and venue-initiated exclusions.
  • Download the You can control your gambling self-help guide which helps gamblers identify and reduce the effect of their gambling habits. The guide can be used together with counselling.

Rsg Gambling Incident Report Example

Last updated:
24 September 2020